International Peace Day 2023: Theme and Inside Story of World Peace Day 2023, 21 September 2023

International Peace Day 2023:

Theme- Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the #GlobalGoals

Hello Everyone! Welcome to Gyan Duniya. Today We are about to discuss about International Peace Day 2023 which we celebrate on 21st of September annually. The International Peace Day,which also known as World Peace Day, was established by the United Nations to promote global peace and non-violence. The inside story of its formation is a testament to the efforts of individuals and organizations dedicated to promoting peace on a global scale.

The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire. Never has our world needed peace more

To mark the day each year, the United Nations Peace Bell is rung at the UN Headquarters in New York. This symbolic act reminds the world of the importance of peace and encourages all nations and people to work towards it.

International Peace Day 2023- Theme

International Peace Day 2023 - Theme and Inside Story of World Peace Day 2023, 21 September 2023

Each year, the United Nations selects a theme for this day that focuses on specific aspects of peace-building and conflict resolution. This year’s theme is Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the #GlobalGoals. It is a call to action that recognizes our individual and collective responsibility to promote peace. Promoting peace contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals will create a culture of peace for all.

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said, “Peace is needed today more than ever. War and conflict are unleashing devastation, poverty, and hunger, and driving tens of millions of people from their homes. Climate chaos is all around. And even peaceful countries are gripped by gaping inequalities and political polarization.”

Individuals and organizations around the world participate in activities and host events centered on a set theme for the year. Educational institutes also take the lead, arranging art exhibitions and lessons for students to discuss how different cultures celebrate peace and to learn about conflict and wars in history so that mistakes are not repeated. On an individual level, people take part in activities like planting trees or setting caged animals free, as every little act helps in spreading the message of peace and love.

Symbol of Peace- Meaning of Dove and Olive Branch

The International Day of Peace is often associated with a dove and the olive branch symbols where the dove represents peace and freedom, while the olive branch has been a traditional symbol of peace dating back to ancient times. The dove and olive branch was used symbolically by early Christians and then eventually became a secular peace symbol. The dove has been a symbol of peace and innocence for thousands of years in many different cultures. In ancient Greek mythology it was a symbol of love and the renewal of life and in ancient Japan a dove carrying a sword symbolised the end of war

The use of the olive branch as a symbol of peace in Western civilisation dates back to at least 5th century BC Greece. The ancient Greeks believed that olive branches represented plenty and drove away evil spirits and an olive branch was one of the attributes of Eirene, the Greek goddess of peace

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Establishment of International Peace Day

The International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by the United Nations General Assembly. The United Nations General Assembly passed Resolution 36/67 on September 30, 1981, that called for a global ceasefire and the cessation of all hostilities on that day and thereby declared the third Tuesday of September each year as the International Day of Peace. The first International Day of Peace was celebrated on September 21, 1982 and marked a significant step towards promoting peace and raising awareness about the importance of peacekeeping efforts around the world.

Two decades later, in 2001, the assembly moved the date to be observed annually on September 21. So, beginning in 2002, September 21 marks not only a time to discuss how to promote and maintain peace among all peoples but also a 24-hour period of global ceasefire and non-violence for groups in active combat.

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